UT provides a diverse variety of mental health resources to all UT students on and off campus

The pdf embedded below is UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Services (CMHS) 2020-2021 Impact Statement. This is available to download for your own reference or can be opened in a new tab by clicking “Original” when hovering over the pdf.

Embedded pdf of UT’s University Counseling and Mental Health Services 2020-2021 Impact Statement.

Embedded pdf of UT’s University Counseling and Mental Health Services 2020-2021 Impact Statement.

Off Campus Counseling and Mental Health Resources:

Student Mental Health Resourcess

CMHC Counseling Resources

On Campus Counseling and Mental Health Resources:

Counseling & Mental Health

Counselors in Academic Residence Program (CARE)

CMHC Individual Counseling

CMHC Groups


Self-Care Recommendations to Reduce Stress and Virtual Fatigue:

Self Care Activities

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Activities

CMHC Workshops

UT’s CMHS offers a “Surviving Grad School” Wellness Workshop, click the link above for more info!